Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Intellectual climate system for monitoring Industrial environment


                Now a day’s so many applications are implemented using embedded system to monitor the temperature and humidity. In the industry like semiconductor, chemical or any manufacturing industry there are some equipment which is always produce heat. And due to producing heat the temperature and humidity will change in the environment. If the temperature is out of range it might be possible to occurs catastrophe. It may be human losses or it may be industrial assets losses. It also impact on the conductivity of the product. In this paper, monitor the humidity and temperature from different locations in the industry. Here wireless sensor network used for collecting the information from different locations in the industry. According to environment temperature and humidity is continuously changed. So, the temperature must be monitored and controlled not only for human health but also for avoiding accidents and in industrial processes. Overheating can lead to explosions causing important damages or, worse, human deaths. Temperature is crucial in many industrial domains, such as chemistry, electronics, manufacturing of integrated circuits etc. The monitoring of the temperature and humidity in indoor locations in the industry are very important.Temperature and humidity sensor is the main components of the Intellectual climate control which is more useful. In the manufacturing industry some parameter like temperature, humidity are very important parameter which is directly or indirectly affect on production of the product. Here we need to monitor the temperature as well as humidity to protect the product and company from any type of accident. Such type of system are implementing by embedded systems. The main aim is to obtain desired temperatures in various rooms. The paper describes a system for monitoring the temperature as well as humidity in indoor locations. The communication between them is done wirelessly through a RF frequency. In the industry the temperature and humidity should be in specific range.

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