Wednesday, 27 November 2013

A Pervasive Health System Integrating Patient Monitoring, Status Logging, and Social Sharing


             This paper presents, about the Pervasive health systems concern the provision of healthcare services to anyone, anytime, and anywhere by removing location, time and other restraints, while increasing both their coverage and quality. Lately, a number of such systems and tools have been demonstrated, focusing particularly on health monitoring and information management by the patient himself/herself. This notion of “self-management” has been associated with efficient disease management, enhancing the patient’s role and participation in healthcare services delivery. The patients’ central role in the management of their health has been indicated by a number of educational programs aiming to provide them with skills and knowledge, in order to cope with their diseases. Especially, chronic patients may be benefited from self-management activities, in terms of understanding better their disease, enhancing their communication with their doctor, increasing their self-confidence, and so forth.

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